

These instructions are for Linux and macOS systems. Windows users should use WSL and follow the Linux installation instructions.

Installing Sunbeam

  1. First, we will need to install the Sunbeam Prover. For that, please visit and sign up for a free account at Certora sign-up page.

  2. You will receive an email with a temporary password and a Certora Key. Use the password to login to Certora following the link in the email.

  3. Next, install Python3.8.16 or newer on your machine. If you already have Python3 installed, you can check the version: python3 --version. If you need to upgrade, follow these instructions in the Python Beginners Guide.

  4. Next, install Java. Check your Java version: java -version. If the version is < 11, download and install Java version 11 or later from Oracle.

  5. Then, install the Certora Prover: pip3 install certora-cli-beta.


    Always use a Python virtual environment when installing packages.

  6. Recall that you received a Certora Key in your email (Step 2). Use the key to set a temporary environment variable like so export CERTORAKEY=<personal_access_key>. Alternatively, to store the key in your profile see Step 3 of the Prover installation.

Rust and Stellar CLI Setup

  1. We recommend installing Rust as on the official Rust website: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

  2. Next, install the WASM target like so: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

  3. We recommend setting up the Stellar CLI as shown here.

  4. We also recommend installing the wabt toolkit. wasm2wat is a useful tool for converting the WASM bytecode to a human readable format. Ensure that wasm2wat is executable as a command from your terminal. You will have to add wabt/bin to your PATH by running export PATH=~/path/to/wabt/bin:$PATH.

  5. Finally, install rustfilt like so: cargo install rustfilt.

With that, you should be all set for using Certora Sunbeam. Congratulations!

To learn more about using Certora Sunbeam, check out the Sunbeam Tutorials.