Method declarations

Summarizing Solidity Functions

Calls inside the code

The below table shows the differences between these summaries. Asterisks (*) indicate havocing.


Return value

Return code

Current contract state

Other contracts states













Havoc'd except for current contract's balance that may increase



success (1)





Some constant x for all calls to the same method signature in any target contract

success (1)





Every target contract c will return the same constant x_c for all calls to the same method signature

success (1)





See below

See below

See below

See below

See below






Unchanged (up to current transfer)




Depends on call type*

Depends on call type*

Depends on call type*

Internal Function Summaries

Allowed Summaries

Not all summaries make sense in the context of an internal function. Only the following summaries are allowed:

  • ALWAYS(X) the summary always returns X and has no side-effects

  • CONSTANT the summary always returns the same constant and has no side effects

  • NONDET the summary returns a havoced value

  • Ghost the summary returns the value return by the given ghost function with the given arguments


Consider the following toy contract where accounts earn continuously compounding interest. Balances are stored as “day 0 principal” and current balances are calculated from that principal using the function continuous_interest which implements the standard continuous interest formula.

contract Interest {
  uint256 days;
  uint256 interest;
  mapping(address => uint256) principals;
  // decimals 18
  public uint256 constant e = 2718300000000000000;
  function balance(address account) public view returns (uint256) {
    return continuous_interest(principals[account], interest, days);
  function advanceDays(uint256 n) public {
    days = days + n;
  function continuous_interest(uint256 p, uint256 r, uint256 t)
      internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return p * e ** (r * t);

Now suppose we would like to prove that this balance calculation is monotonic with respect to time (as days go by, balance never decreases). The following spec would demonstrate this property.

rule yield_monotonic(address a, uint256 n) {
  uint256 y1 = balance(a);
  require n >= 0;
  uint256 y2 = balance(a);
  assert y2 >= y1;

Unfortunately, the function continuous_interest includes some arithmetic that is very difficult for the underlying SMT solver to reason about and two things may happen.

  1. The resulting formula may be cause the underlying SMT formula to time out which will result in an unknown result

  2. The Prover will use “overapproximations” of the arithmetic operations in the resulting formula. Basically this means that we let allows some weird and unexpected behavior which includes the behavior of the function, but also includes more behavior. Basically, this means that a counterexample may not be a real counterexample (i.e. not actually possible program behavior). To understand this better see our section on overapproximation.

It turns out that in this case, we run into problem (2) where the tool reports a violation which doesn’t actually make sense. This is where function summarization becomes useful, since we get to decide how we would like to overapproximate our function! Suppose we would like to prove that, assuming the equation we use to calculate continuously compounding interest is monotonic, then it is also the case that the value of our principal is monotonically increasing over time. In this case we do the following:

methods {
  // tell the tool to use a ghost function as the summary for the function
  continuous_interest(uint256 p, uint256 r, uint256 t) =>
      ghost_interest(p, r, t)

// define the ghost function
ghost ghost_interest(uint256,uint256,uint256) {
  // add an axiom describing monotonicity of ghost_interest
  axiom forall uint256 p. forall uint256 r. forall uint256 t1. forall uint256 t2.
      t2 >= t1 => ghost_interest(p,r,t2) >= ghost_interest(p,r,t1);

rule yield_monotonic(address a, uint256 n) {
  // internally, when this call continuous_interest, the function will
  // be summarized as ghost_interest
  uint256 y1 = balance(a);
  require n >= 0;
  // internally, when this call continuous_interest, the function will
  // be summarized as ghost_interest
  uint256 y2 = balance(a);
  assert y2 >= y1;

By summarizing continuous_interest as a function who is monotonic with its last argument (time) we are able to prove the property.

More Expressive Summaries

Ghost Summaries

What we refer to as ghost functions are simply uninterpreted functions uninterpreted functions. Because these can be axiomatized, they can be used to express any number of approximating semantics (rather than summarizing a function as simply a constant). For example, say we wanted to give some approximation for a multiplication function–this is an example of an operation that is very difficult for an SMT solver. Perhaps we only care about the monotonicity of this multiplication function. We may do something like the following:

ghost ghost_multiplication(uint256,uint256) returns uint256 {
  axiom forall uint256 x1. forall uint256 x2. forall uint256 y. 
      x1 > x2 => ghost_multiplication(x1, y) > ghost_multiplication(x2, y);
  axiom forall uint256 x. forall uint256 y1. forall uint256 y2.
      y1 > y2 => ghost_multiplication(x, y1) > ghost_multiplication(x, y2);

Then we can summarize our multiplication function:

methods {
  mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) => ghost_multiplication(x, y);

You may pass whichever parameters from the summarized function as arguments to the summary in whichever order you want. However you may not put an expression as an argument to the summary.

CVL Function Summaries

CVL Functions provide standard encapsulation of code within a spec file and allow for control flow, local variables etc. (but not loops). A subset of these are allowed as summaries, namely:

  1. They do not contain methods as parameters

  2. They do not contain calls to contract functions

For example, say we want to summarize a multiplication function again, but this time we want to cut down the search space for the solver a bit. We might try something like the following:

function easier_multiplication(uint256 x, uint256 y) returns uint256 {
  require(x < 1000 || y < 1000);
  return to_uint256(x * y);

and just as above we summarize the multiplication function in the methods block:

methods {
  mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) => easier_multiplication(x, y);

Note this specific summarization is very dangerous and may cause vacuity bugs.

In simple cases, these summaries may be used to replace harnesses, though the fact that they cannot call contract functions limits the types of harnesses that may be written.