Invariants describe a property of the state of a contract that is always expected to hold.
Certain features of invariants are unsound: the invariant can be verified by the Prover, but it may still be possible for the contract to violate it. The possible sources of unsoundness are Preserved blocks, Filters, and Invariants that revert. Invariant proofs are also unsound if some of the methods are filtered out using the --method or --parametric_contracts flags. See the linked sections for details.
The syntax for invariants is given by the following EBNF grammar:
invariant ::= [ "weak" | "strong" ] "invariant" id
[ "(" params ")" ]
[ "filtered" "{" id "->" expression "}" ]
[ "{" { preserved_block } "}" ]
preserved_block ::= "preserved"
[ method_signature ]
[ "with" "(" params ")" ]
method_signature ::= [ contract_name "." ] id "(" [ evm_type [ id ] { "," evm_type [ id ] } ] ")"
| "fallback" "(" ")"
contract_name ::= id
| "_"
See Basic Syntax for the id
production, Expressions for the expression
production, and Statements for the block
In CVL, we distinguish between strong and weak invariants. A weak invariant is a property that is expected to be true whenever a contract method is not currently executing. This kind of invariant is sometimes called a “representation invariant”. A strong invariant is an invariant that also holds before and after execution of an unresolved call, i.e. a call that potentially calls to another contract which could modify the current contract’s state. Essentially, a strong invariants ensures to hold whenever control is yielded to an external function, providing enhanced security, especially for contracts without global locks.
Each invariant has a name, possibly followed by a set of parameters, followed by a boolean expression. We say the invariant holds if the expression evaluates to true in every reachable state of the contract, and for all possible values of the parameters.
While verifying a weak invariant, the Prover checks two things. First, it checks
that the invariant is established after calling any constructor. Second, it checks
that the invariant holds after the execution of any methods, assuming that it held
before the method was executed (if it does hold, we say the method preserves the invariant).
By default, an invariant will be checked for any public
or external
) method of any contract in the scene - the set of methods
an invariant will be checked for can be further configured by filters Filters
and by --parametric_contracts. View
and pure
methods are excluded from
invariant checking as by definition they cannot change the state
of their contract.
A strong invariant performs the same checks as a weak invariant - i.e. it will be checked for the constructor
and for any other method, it will be assumed before executing the method (pre-state) and asserted afterward execution of the method (post-state).
In addition to these steps, a strong invariant also asserts and assumes the invariant during method
execution at locations that potentially break the invariant. The invariant can be violated if there
is an unresolved external call that can modify the state of the current contract. To verify the strong invariant, for every unresolved external call c
(a call that will force the prover to havoc storage), a strong invariant will insert the following steps:
Before the call
: Assert that the invariant holds - if the invariant does not hold due to some logic of the current method, this will yield a counter example that ends with theassert
.After the call
: Assume the invariant holds. The semantics is that the call did not break the invariant.In the case
is adelegatecall
, after assuming the invariant in step 2, havoc the current’s contact storage and assert the invariant once more. This step simulates the scenario that adelegatecall
modifies the current contract’s storage.
A full example for weak
and strong invariant
can be found in our Examples Repository.
If an invariant is proven, it is safe to assume that it holds in other rules and invariants. The requireInvariant command makes it easy to add this assumption to another rule, and is a quick way to rule out counterexamples that start in impossible states. See also Listing Safe Assumptions.
Invariants are intended to describe the state of a contract at a particular point in time. Therefore, you should only use view functions inside of an invariant. Non-view functions are allowed, but the behavior is undefined.
Invariants that revert
There is well-known unsoundness in the Prover’s handling of invariants that occurs if an invariant expression reverts in the “before” state but not in the “after” state. In this case, the assumption that the invariant holds before calling the contract method will revert, causing any counterexample to be discarded.
For example, consider the following contract:
contract Example {
private uint[] a;
public function add(uint i) external {
public function get(uint i) external returns(uint) {
return a[i];
This contract simply wraps an array of integers and allows you to add integers to the array. The following invariant states that all elements of the array are 0:
invariant all_elements_are_zero(uint i) get(i) == 0;
This property is clearly false; you can invalidate it by calling add(2)
Nevertheless, the invariant will pass. The reason is that before a call to
pushes a nonzero integer into a[i]
, the length of a
was i-1
, so the
call to get(i)
will revert. Therefore, the Prover would discard the
counterexample instead of reporting it.
As above, an invariant stating that supply() == token.totalSupply()
would be
verified, but a method on token
might change the total supply without updating
the SupplyTracker
contract. Since the Prover only checks the main contract’s
methods for preservation, it will not report that the invariant can be
For this reason, invariants that depend on the environment or on the state of external contracts are a potential source of unsoundness, and should be used with care.
There is an additional source of unsoundness that occurs if the invariant expression reverts in the before state but not in the after state.
Preserved blocks
Often, the proof that an invariant is preserved depends on another invariant,
or on an external assumption about the system. These assumptions can be
written in preserved
Adding require
statements to preserved blocks can be a source of
unsoundness, since the invariants are only guaranteed to hold
if the requirements are true for every method invocation.
Recall that the Prover checks that a method preserves an invariant by first
requiring the invariant (the prestate check), then executing the method, and
then asserting the invariant (the poststate check). Preserved blocks are
executed after the prestate check but before executing the method. They
usually consist of require
or requireInvariant
statements, although other
commands are also possible.
Preserved blocks are listed after the invariant expression (and after the filter
block, if any), inside a set of curly braces ({ ... }
). Each preserved block
consists of the keyword preserved
followed by an optional method signature,
an optional with
declaration, and finally the block of commands to execute.
Contract and method-specific preserved blocks
The method signature of the preserved block may optionally contain a contract
name followed by a .
character followed by a contract method name.
In the case where the preserved block does not have a contract name but does have a method name (not the
case), the preserved block will apply only to methods that match in the main contract. For example, here the preserved block will apply only to the methodwithdrawExcess(address)
that appears in the main contract:
invariant solvencyAsInv() asset.balanceOf() >= internalAccounting() {
preserved withdrawExcess(address token) {
require token != asset;
If the method signature includes a specific contract name, then the Prover only applies the preserved block to the methods in the named contract. For example, here the preserved block only applies to the
contract methodtransfer(address,uint)
. The preserved block does not apply to thetransfer(address,uint)
method in any other contract.
invariant solvencyAsInv() asset.balanceOf() >= internalAccounting() {
preserved asset.transfer(address x, uint y) with (env e) {
require e.msg.sender != currentContract
If the contract name is the wildcard character
, the Prover applies the preserved block to instances of the method in all contracts in the scene. For example, this preserve block applies to all contracts containing a method matching thetransfer(address,uint)
method signature.
invariant solvencyAsInv() asset.balanceOf() >= internalAccounting() {
preserved _.transfer(address x, uint y) with (env e) {
require e.msg.sender != currentContract
If an invariant has multiple preserved blocks with the same method signature
where one signature is more specific and the other is more general (as in
the _.method
case), then the more specific preserved block will apply.
If a preserved block specifies a method signature, the signature must either be fallback()
match one of the contract methods, and the preserved block only applies when
checking preservation of that contract method. The fallback()
preserved block
applies only to the fallback()
function that should be defined in the contract.
The arguments of the method are in scope within the preserved block.
Generic preserved blocks
If there is no method signature, the preserved block is a default block that is
used for all methods that don’t have a specific preserved block, including the
method. If an invariant has both a default preserved block and a
specific preserved block for a method, the specific preserved block is used;
the default preserved block will not be executed.
Binding the environment
The with
declaration is used to give a name to the environment used
while invoking the method. It can be used to restrict the transactions that are
considered. For example, the following preserved block rules out
counterexamples where the msg.sender
is the 0 address:
invariant zero_address_has_no_balance()
balanceOf(0) == 0
{ preserved with (env e) { require e.msg.sender != 0; } }
The variables defined as parameters to the invariant are also available in
preserved blocks, which allows restricting the arguments that are considered
when checking that a method preserves an invariant. As always, you should use
caution when adding additional require
statements, as they can rule out
important cases.
A common source of confusion is the difference between env
to an invariant and the env
variables defined by the with
Compare the following to the previous example:
invariant zero_address_has_no_balance_v2(env e)
balanceOf(e, 0) == 0
{ preserved { require e.msg.sender != 0; } }
In this example, we require the msg.sender
argument to balanceOf
to be
nonzero, but makes no restrictions on the environment for the call to the method
we are checking for preservation.
To see why this is not the desired behavior, consider a deposit
method that
increases the message sender’s balance. When the
invariant is checked on deposit
, the Prover
will effectively check the following (see Writing an invariant as a rule):
env e;
require balanceOf(e,0) == 0;
env calledEnv;
require e.msg.sender != 0; // from the `preserved` block
deposit(calledEnv, ...);
assert balanceOf(e,0) == 0;
Notice that the calledEnv
is not restricted by the preserved
The Prover will report a violation with the msg.sender
set to 0 in the call to deposit
and set to a nonzero value in the calls to balanceOf
. This counterexample is
not ruled out by the preserved
block because the preserved
block only
places restrictions on the environment passed to balanceOf
In general, you should be cautious of invariants that depend on an environment.
For performance reasons, you may want to avoid checking that an invariant is preserved by a particular method or set of methods. Invariant filters provide a method for skipping verification on a method-by-method basis.
Filtering out methods while checking invariants is unsound. If you are
filtering out a method because the invariant doesn’t pass, consider using a
block instead; this allows you to add assumptions in a fine-grained
way (although preserved
blocks can also be unsound).
To filter out methods from an invariant, add a filtered
block after the
expression defining the invariant. The body of the filtered
block must
contain a single filter of the form var -> expr
, where var
is a variable
name, and expr
is a boolean expression that may depend on var
Before verifying that a method preserves an invariant, the expr
evaluated with var
bound to a method
object. This allows expr
to refer
to the checked method using var
’s fields, such as var.selector
, and var.isView
. See The method and calldataarg types for a list of the
fields available on method
If the expression evaluates to false
with var
replaced by a given method,
the Prover will not check that the method preserves the invariant. For example,
the following invariant will not be checked on the deposit(uint)
invariant balance_is_0(address a)
balanceOf(a) == 0
filtered {
f -> f.selector != sig:deposit(uint).selector
In this example, when the variable f
is bound to deposit(uint)
, the
expression f.selector != sig:deposit(uint).selector
evaluates to false
, so the
method will be skipped.
If there is a preserved block for a method, the method will be verified even if the filter would normally exclude it.
Induction Step for Transient Storage
With the introduction of transient storage in Solidity (EIP-1153,
Solidity contracts can now use a tload
or tstore
instruction to perform load
and store
on transient storage.
The transient storage will be reset after a transaction has terminated.
The Prover will automatically detect if any contract in the scene uses tload
and tstore
and adds another induction step for transient storage. This induction step
verifies the invariant is independent from the transient storage, i.e, it will assume the
invariant in pre-state, perform a reset of the transient storage and assert
the invariant
in post-state.
Writing an invariant as a rule
Above we explained that verifying an invariant requires two checks: an initial-state check that the constructor establishes the invariant, and a preservation check that each method preserves the invariant.
Invariants are the only mechanism in CVL for specifying properties of constructors, but parametric rules can be used to write the preservation check in a different way. This is useful for two reasons: First, it can help you understand what the preservation check is doing. Second, it can help break down a complicated invariant by defining new intermediate variables.
The following example demonstrates all of the features of invariants:
invariant complex_example(env e1, uint arg)
property_of(e1, arg)
filtered {
m -> m.selector != sig:ignored(uint, address).selector
preserved with (env e2) {
require e2.msg.sender != 0;
preserved special_method(address a) with (env e3) {
require a != 0;
require e3.block.timestamp > 0;
The preservation check for this invariant could be written as a parametric rule as follows:
rule complex_example_as_rule(env e1, uint arg, method f)
filtered {
f -> f.selector != sig:ignored(uint, address).selector
// pre-state check
require property_of(e1, arg);
if (f.selector == sig:special_method(address).selector) {
// special_method preserved block
address a;
env e3;
require a != 0;
require e3.block.timestamp > 0;
// method execution
special_method(e3, a);
} else {
// general preserved block
calldataarg args;
env e2;
require e2.msg.sender != 0;
// method execution
f(e2, args);
// post-state check
assert property_of(e1, arg);
Invariants and induction
This section describes the logical justification for invariant checks. You do
not need to understand this section to use the Prover correctly, but it helps
explain the connection between the invariant checks and mathematical proofs for
those who are familiar with writing proofs. This section also justifies the
safety of arbitrary requireInvariant
statements in preserved
This section assumes familiarity with basic proofs by induction. We use the
Consider an invariant i(x)
that is verified by the Prover. For the moment,
let’s assume that i(x)
has no preserved
blocks. We will prove that for all
reachable states of the contract, i(x)
is true
A state s
is reachable if we can start with an newly created state (that is,
where all storage variables are 0), apply any constructor, and then call any
number of contract methods to produce s
Let i(x)
.” Our goal is then to prove
In the base case we want to show that for any i(x)
. This is exactly what the Prover verifies in the initial state check.
In other words, the initial state check proves that
For the inductive step, we assume that any i(x)
, and we want to show that a state produced after
. This is exactly what the Prover
verifies in the preservation check: that if the state before the last method
call satisfies i(x)
then after the last method call it still satisfies
. In other words, the preservation check proves that
This completes the proof that together, the initial state check and the
preservation check ensure that the invariant i
holds on all reachable states.
Now, let us consider preserved blocks. Adding require
statements to a
block for invariant i
adds an additional assumption Q
to the
preservation check. Now, instead of
the preservation check only proves
The addition of the assumption require
statements to preserved
However, it is important to note that adding requireInvariant j(y)
to a
block is safe (assuming that j
is verified), even if the
block for j
requires the invariant i
. To demonstrate this, we
consider three examples.
For the first example, consider the spec
invariant i(uint x) ... { preserved { requireInvariant i(x); } }
Although this may seem like circular logic (we require i
in the proof of
), it is not. The verification of the preservation check for i
proves the
which is logically equivalent
to the preservation check without the preserved
block (since
For the second example, consider the following spec:
invariant i(uint x) ... { preserved { requireInvariant j(x); } }
invariant j(uint x) ... { preserved { requireInvariant i(x); } }
Verifying these invariants gives us the preservation check for i
and for j
Putting these together allows us to conclude
which is exactly what we need for an inductive proof of the statement
and j(x)
are true in all reachable states.
For the third example, consider the following spec:
invariant i(uint x) ... { preserved { requireInvariant i(f(x)); } }
The preservation check now proves
Seeing that this gives us enough to write an inductive proof that
The base case comes directly from the initial state check for i
For the inductive step, choose an arbitrary
The techniques used in these three examples can be used to demonstrate that it
is always logically sound to add a requireInvariant
to a preserved
even for complicated interdependent invariants (as long as the required
invariants have been verified).