Rules Report Release Notes

2.2.0 (Jul 24, 2024)


  • [feat] Job execution status in browser tab

2.1.6 (Jul 8, 2024)


  • [bugfix] Call trace performance improvements

  • [feat] Re-run feature: A rule that timed out can be re-submitted as individual job (experimental, for selected users only)

  • [feat] Allow the user to logout from rule report

2.0.1 (May 15, 2024)


  • [feat] Support for jump to source from variables tab

  • [feat] Support for jump to source from live statistics tab

  • [feat] Allow the call trace to be expanded to full screen

Fixed Bugs

  • [fix] Expansion bug on the main UI grid

  • [fix] Fixes for the call trace tracking points

1.0.0 (Apr 11, 2024)


  • [feat] Jump To Source: Animation to highlight already selected line on button click

  • [feat] New Job Configuration Tab that provides details on all arguments and inputs of a job that has been executed with (main contract, solidity version, all Prover flags and CLI options)

  • [feat] Browser tab title now indicates the main contract and the message of the job to simplify identification of a job

  • [feat] Files with extension .yul - Yul files - can be displayed in the editor

Fixed Bugs

  • [fix] When a job has been canceled or halted, only rules that were running are being displayed as killed

0.8.0 (Mar 11, 2024)


  • [feat] Jump To Source Feature (works only in combination with Certora version later than 7.1.0)

  • [feat] New tooltips on labels for the call trace

Fixed Bugs

  • [fix] Fixed tracking points

  • [fix] Fixed sharing button

0.7.0 (Feb 12, 2024)

Fixed Bugs

  • [fix] Fixed bug when collapsing the left pane of the main grid

  • [fix] Fixed bug when collapsing entries in the call trace

0.6.0 (Jan 31, 2024)


  • [feat] Live Difficulty Statistics

  • [feat] Adding tool tips to status

Fixed Bugs

  • [fix] Fixed file contents were shown to be loading for indefinite time

0.5.7 (Nov 26, 2023)


  • [feat] Improvements on naming for global / rule notifications

0.5.62 (Feb 11, 2024)

Fixed Bugs

  • [fix] Fixed removed links to deprecated Certora Forum

0.5.6 (October 24, 2023)


  • [feat] Shareable report button

  • [feat] Foldable call trace

  • [feat] Added view of .conf files in the source files tab

  • [feat] New Tracking Points feature in the call trace

  • [feat] Added support for Witness examples view

  • [feat] Added link to the unsat core page inside info tab

  • [feat] Added job status at the top level

  • [feat] Default first load of the report shows the spec file and rules tab only

  • [feat] Display the report version in the info tab

  • [feat] Added a floating column option for the main sidebar

  • [feat] Added animated icons for jobs status in progress

  • [feat] Files tab keeps expanded files state

  • [feat] Improved filter, filter highlight, and search highlight functionality inside call resolutions

  • [feat] Added code editor scroll position to state

  • [feat] Added columns width to local storage

  • [feat] Removed cancel job button from the report

  • [feat] Removed auto-scroll in call Trace

  • [feat] Improved drop filters

  • [feat] Improved component’s state handling

  • [feat] Added upload failed view

Fixed Bugs

  • [bugfix] Fixed the issue of selected file not being shown in the file tree

  • [bugfix] Fixed call resolution empty state issue

  • [bugfix] Fixed global problems empty state issue

  • [bugfix] Support for view of files with same name in different folders

  • [bugfix] Support file opening twice

  • [bugfix] Fixed handling collapse functionality when data is filtered

  • [bugfix] Fixed Firefox warnings on the source files tab

  • [bugfix] Fixed filter and collapse on contracts and global call resolution tabs to be consistent

  • [bugfix] Fixed contracts tab to show more/less and line breaks

  • [bugfix] Fixed UI breaking when selecting a new rule

  • [bugfix] Fixed issue of multi counter example shown without call trace

  • [bugfix] Fixed call resolution opening two items by default instead of one

  • [bugfix] Fixed view of job run time to excluded the time the job waited in the queue

  • [bugfix] Fixed variables sorting order