Understanding Prover Output for Solana Programs


This guide explains how to interpret verification results from the Certora Prover for Solana programs. It’s designed for developers familiar with Solana/Rust development and formal verification concepts.

Verification Tasks

A verification task consists of one or more rules that verify specific properties of your Solana program. Each rule contains at least one of the following:

  • Assert statements cvlr_assert!

  • Satisfy statements cvlr_satisfy!

Understanding Rule Results

Assert Statements

When using cvlr_assert, the Prover attempts to prove that the assertion holds true for all possible program states. For example:

cvlr_assert!(amount > 10);

The Prover will return one of two results: A passed rule in the Certora Rule Report

  1. PASSED: The assertion is proven true for all possible computation paths and initial values

A failed rule in the Certora Rule Report

  1. FAILED: A counterexample (CEX) was found, i.e a starting state and computation path that violates the assertion. The Prover stops at the first counterexample found, even if multiple counterexamples exist

Satisfy Statements

cvlr_satisfy statements verify that a certain condition is reachable. For example:

cvlr_satisfy!(amount > 10);

The results can be:

  1. PASSED: At least one execution path exists where the condition is true

  2. FAILED: The condition is unreachable under any execution path

Analyzing Counterexamples

When a rule fails, the Prover generates a counterexample showing the execution path that led to the failure. Counterexamples can be:

  1. Valid: Indicating a genuine bug in the code

  2. Spurious: Resulting from over-approximation of possible program states

Call Trace Analysis

A call trace example

The call trace provides detailed information about the execution path. Here’s how to interpret it:

Nondeterministic Values

  • Appear at the beginning of the trace

  • Represent the starting state which leads to a violation

  • Format: CVT_nondet_u64: <value>

Variable Values

  • The values of variables can be printed using the clog! macro

  • Example: let x: u64 = nondet(); clog!(x);

Method Calls

  • Automatically logged

  • Show the sequence of function calls

  • To see parameter values, you need to change the original code with Certora’s cgdb! print macros

Let’s look at a concrete example

Prover output

pub fn rule_fail_call_trace() {
    let amount1: u64 = nondet();
    let amount2: u64 = nondet();

    cvlr_assume!(amount1 > 100);
    cvlr_assume!(amount2 != 10);


    cvlr_assert!(amount1 < 100);
    cvlr_assert!(amount2 < 100);

When this rule fails, the Prover generates a counterexample that looks like this:

A call trace example

Let’s analyze this counterexample:

  1. Nondet Values:

    • The Prover chose 101 for amount1 and implicitly 0 for amount2

    • These values are chosen to demonstrate the violation of our assertions

    • <?> means that the value is not important for the counterexample

  2. Variable States:

    • amount1 is 101, which satisfies our assumption cvlr_assume!(amount1 > 100)

    • amount2 is 0, which satisfies our assumption cvlr_assume!(amount2 != 10)

  3. Assertion Failure:

    • The assertion cvlr_assert!(amount1 < 100) fails because we have a contradiction:

      • We previously assumed amount1 > 100

      • But then we assert amount1 < 100

    • This is impossible to satisfy, hence the counterexample

Rule Sanity Checking

To ensure rules aren’t passing vacuously (due to contradictory assumptions), add sanity checking to your configuration:

    "rule_sanity": "basic"

This adds an implicit cvlr_assert!(false) at the end of each rule. If this assertion is unreachable, it confirms that:

  1. Your assumptions aren’t contradictory

  2. The rule’s success is meaningful

Common Sanity Check Results

  1. Sanity Check PASSED: The desired outcome - confirms rule isn’t vacuously true

  2. Sanity Check WARNING: Warning sign - indicates contradictory assumptions

See Rule Sanity Checks for more details.

Best Practices

  1. Always enable rule sanity checking in your configuration

  2. Review full call traces when investigating failures

  3. Validate counterexamples against your program’s expected state space

Advanced Topics

Over-approximation Detection

When analyzing counterexamples, consider:

  1. Initial state feasibility: Is the starting state reachable for the code you’re analyzing?

  2. Transaction sequence validity: Does the computation path make sense? Did you overlook a certain scenario?

  3. State transition legitimacy: Do the values throughout the computation match? Are the parameters of your rule changing as expected?

If any seem impossible in your actual program, the counterexample might be due to over-approximation.