Syntax Highlighting on GitHub

This guide explains how to improve syntax highlighting in your GitHub repository for Certora Prover configuration and specification files.

Before and After Comparison

.spec files

A .spec file without highlighting will appear on GitHub (in dark mode) as:

conf before highlighting

After following the instructions on this guide it will look like:

spec after highlighting

.conf files

A .conf file without highlighting will appear on GitHub (in dark mode) as:

conf before highlighting

After following the instructions on this guide it will look like:

conf after highlighting


  1. Create a .gitattributes file in the root directory of your repository if it doesn’t exist.

  2. Append the following lines to the end of the .gitattributes file:

*.spec linguist-language=Solidity
*.conf linguist-detectable
*.conf linguist-language=JSON5
  1. Commit and push the changes to your repository.

  2. Wait for GitHub to process the updates (this may take up to 24 hours).


The .gitattributes file instructs GitHub’s Linguist to classify .spec and .conf files with appropriate syntax highlighting:

.conf files are JSON5 files with a different extension. Assigning them to JSON5 enables proper syntax highlighting.

.spec files use CVL, which is currently unsupported by GitHub. However, since CVL shares significant syntax with Solidity, applying Solidity highlighting significantly improves readability compared to GitHub’s default.


Step 1 - Verify Local Language Detection

To ensure .gitattributes was updated correctly, run the following command in your Git repository:

git check-attr linguist-language -- **/*.spec **/*.conf

You should see output similar to:

path/to/file.spec: linguist-language: Solidity
path/to/file.conf: linguist-language: JSON5

If the output shows unspecified, the .gitattributes file may be missing or incorrectly placed (it must be in the root directory of the repository).

CLIFlags/solc_via_ir.conf: linguist-language: unspecified

Step 2 - Verify GitHub Server Update

Run the following API query to confirm GitHub’s Linguist has updated the classification: A successful update should return output similar to:

  "Solidity": 21038,
  "JSON5": 443

If the response is an empty JSON ({}), ensure that:

  • The .gitattributes changes were pushed.

  • There are no conflicting .gitattributes rules that override the new settings.