
An invariant is a property of the contract’s storage state that should hold between calls to the contract. For example, in some ERC20 contracts the balance of address(0) is always zero.

Below, we provide examples of using invariants. You can read more about invariants in Invariants (from The Certora Verification Language).

Teams example

The ITeams interface, shown below, is an interface for managing teams consisting of two players and a team leader.

ITeams interface
interface ITeams {

    /// @return The team id of the player
    /// @notice Return value of 0 means the player has not been assigned to a team
    function teamOf(address player) external view returns (uint8);

    /// @return The team leader
    /// @notice Return value of zero means the team has not been created
    function leaderOf(uint8 teamId) external view returns (address);

    /// @dev Players must not be assigned to any team
    /// @dev The team must not exist before the call
    function createTeam(
        address leader,
        address playerA,
        address playerB,
        uint8 teamId
    ) external;

    /// @notice Change the team's leader
    /// @dev Only the current leader may call this function
    /// @dev The new leader must be a member of the tem
    function changeLeader(address newLeader) external;

A contract implementing this interface should satisfy the following properties:

  1. Each team has three different players, one of which is the team leader.

  2. Each player can belong only to one team.

  3. A team is identified by a unique id between 1 and 255.

  4. A player having team-id 0 indicates this player has no assigned team.

  5. Address zero cannot be part of a team.

  6. If a team has not been created yet, it will have address(0) as a team leader.

Next we translate these properties to CVL invariants. You can find the entire spec in The team of zero is zero.

  • To run the spec on a correct implementation of ITeams use correct.conf, which will use the implementation in Teams.sol.

  • To see the spec discover bugs, use buggy.conf. This will run the spec against the buggy implementation in TeamsBugs.sol.

Simple invariants

No team for address zero

We can readily deduce from the properties that teamOf(address(0)) must be zero. Here it is written as an invariant:

methods {
    function teamOf(address) external returns (uint8) envfree;
    function leaderOf(uint8) external returns (address) envfree;

/// @title Address zero is not in any team
invariant addressZeroNotPlayer()
    teamOf(0) == 0;

We declared the functions teamOf and leaderOf as envfree to remove the need for an env type argument.

The leader is part of the team

Another invariant property is that the team-id of the leader of team \(x\) is \(x\). This only holds if \(x\) is not zero and the leader is not address(0). Here is the property written as an invariant:

/// @title The team's leader is part of the team
invariant leaderBelongsToTeam(uint8 teamId)
    (teamId != 0 && leaderOf(teamId) != 0) => teamOf(leaderOf(teamId)) == teamId;

Using preserved blocks inside invariants

Sometimes additional conditions are needed to prove invariants. These additional conditions are given using preserved blocks, see Preserved blocks. Here are two examples using preserved blocks.

A team not created has no players

Before team i is created, leaderOf(i) must be address(0). In such a case, there should be no players in team i. We can write this condition as:

/** @title If a team does not exist it has not players
 *  This invariant cannot be proven without a preserved block.
invariant nonExistTeamHasNoPlayers(uint8 teamId, address player)
    (teamId != 0 && leaderOf(teamId) == 0) => teamOf(player) != teamId;

Running this rule, the Prover will find the following violation, which you can see in this rule report nonExistTeamHasNoPlayers violation report. The function called is changeLeader(address(0)), changing the leader from address a (where a is not zero) to zero. Before the call address(0) is a member of team i, where i > 0. After the call the left hand side of the invariant condition holds true: i != 0 && leaderOf(i) == 0. But the right hand side is false for player = a, since teamOf(a) = i. The violation is expressed in the following table, showing the change in state.

Pre call state

Post call state










In order for the invariant to be proved, we need to require that the team of address(0) is zero. We’ll do that using a preserved block. Since we already proved this in No team for address zero, we can simply require that the invariant addressZeroNotPlayer holds, like so:

/// @title If a team does not exist it has not players
invariant nonExistTeamHasNoPlayers(uint8 teamId, address player)
    (teamId != 0 && leaderOf(teamId) == 0) => teamOf(player) != teamId
        preserved {
            requireInvariant addressZeroNotPlayer();

See also

To read more on requireInvariant and its soundness, see Invariants and induction.

A team has at most three players

Here is how we phrase this property:

Let a, b, c and d be four different addresses, and suppose that a, b and c are all on the same non-zero team i. Then d does not belong to team i.

Helper functions

To enhance readability we’ll define two helper functions:

  1. A function checking that four addresses are different, called fourDifferentAddresses.

  2. A function checking that three addresses are on the same team, called sameTeam.

Their definitions are given below.

/// @return If the four addresses are all different from each other
function fourDifferentAddresses(
    address a,
    address b,
    address c,
    address d
) returns bool {
    return (
        a != b && a != c && a != d &&
        b != c && b != d &&
        c != d
/// @return If all players are on the same team
function sameTeam(address a, address b, address c) returns bool {
    return teamOf(a) == teamOf(b) && teamOf(b) == teamOf(c);

The rule

Here is the complete rule.

/// @title A team has at most three players
invariant teamHasMaxThreePlayers(address a, address b, address c, address d)
        teamOf(a) != 0 && 
        fourDifferentAddresses(a, b, c, d) &&
        sameTeam(a, b, c)
        => teamOf(d) != teamOf(a)
        preserved createTeam(
            address leader,
            address playerA,
            address playerB,
            uint8 teamId
        ) with (env e) {
            requireInvariant nonExistTeamHasNoPlayers(teamId, a);
            requireInvariant nonExistTeamHasNoPlayers(teamId, b);
            requireInvariant nonExistTeamHasNoPlayers(teamId, c);
            requireInvariant nonExistTeamHasNoPlayers(teamId, d);

As you can see, we used a different preserved block here. This preserved block adds a pre-condition only when verifying the invariant on the function createTeam using environment env e. Without this preserved block, the Prover may assume that the team had players before it was created.

See also

You can find out more about preserved blocks in Preserved blocks section.