
A CVL expression is anything that represents a value. This page documents all possible expressions in CVL and explains how they are evaluated.


The syntax for CVL expressions is given by the following EBNF grammar:

expr ::= literal
       | unop expr
       | expr binop expr
       | "(" exprs ")"
       | expr "?" expr ":" expr
       | [ "forall" | "exists" ] type id "." expr

       | expr "." id
       | id [ "[" expr "]" { "[" expr "]" } ]
       | id "(" types ")"

       | function_call

       | expr "in" id

function_call ::=
       | [ "invoke" | "sinvoke" ]
         [ id "." ] id
         [ "@" ( "norevert" | "withrevert" | "dontsummarize" ]
         "(" exprs ")"
         [ "at" id ]

literal ::= "true" | "false" | number | string

unop  ::= "~" | "!" | "-"

binop ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "^"
        | ">" | "<" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | "<="
        | "&" | "|" | "<<" | ">>" | "&&" | "||"
        | "=>" | "<=>" | "xor" | ">>>"

specials_fields ::=
           | "block" "." [ "number" | "timestamp" ]
           | "msg"   "." [ "address" | "sender" | "value" ]
           | "tx"    "." [ "origin" ]
           | "length"
           | "selector" | "isPure" | "isView" | "numberOfArguments" | "isFallback"

special_vars ::=
           | "lastReverted" | "lastHasThrown"
           | "lastStorage"
           | "allContracts"
           | "lastMsgSig"
           | "_"
           | "max_uint" | "max_address" | "max_uint8" | ... | "max_uint256"

special_functions ::=
           | "to_uint256" | "to_int256" | "to_mathint"

contract ::= id | "currentContract"

See Basic Syntax for the id, number, and string productions. See Types for the type production.

Basic operations

CVL provides the same basic arithmetic, comparison, bitwise, and logical operations for basic types that solidity does, with a few differences listed in this section and the next. The precedence and associativity rules are standard.


One significant difference between CVL and Solidity is that in Solidity, ^ denotes bitwise exclusive or and ** denotes exponentiation, whereas in CVL, ^ denotes exponentiation and xor denotes exclusive or.


The >>> operator is currently undocumented.

See Mathematical Operations for more information about the interaction between mathematical types and the meaning of mathematical operations.

String interpolation

String literals that appear in assertion messages or rule descriptions can contain placeholders that are replaced by explicit values in the verification report. A variable can be included by prefixing it with a $, while more complex expressions can be included by surrounding them with ${...}.

For example:

rule example(method f, uint x)
description "$f should output 0 on $x with ${e.msg.sender}"
    env e;
    assert f(e,x) == 0, "failed with timestamp ${e.block.timestamp}";

Extended logical operations

CVL also adds several useful logical operations:

  • Like && or ||, an implication expression expr1 => expr2 requires expr1 and expr2 to be boolean expressions and is itself a boolean expression. expr1 => expr2 evaluates to false if and only if expr1 evaluates to true and expr2 evaluates to false. expr1 => expr2 is equivalent to !expr1 || expr2.

    For example, the statement assert initialized => x > 0; will only report counterexamples where initialized is true but x is not positive.


Whether implications (and other boolean connectors) are short-circuiting is currently undocumented.

  • Similarly, an if and only if expression (also called a bidirectional implication) expr1 <=> expr2 requires expr1 and expr2 to be boolean expressions and is itself a boolean expression. expr1 <=> expr2 evaluates to true if expr1 and expr2 evaluate to the same boolean value.

    For example, the statement assert balanceA > 0 <=> balanceB > 0; will report a violation if exactly one of balanceA and balanceB is positive.

  • An if-then-else (ITE) expression of the form cond ? expr1 : expr2 requires cond to be a boolean expression and requires expr1 and expr2 to have the same type; the entire if-then-else expression has the same type as expr1 and expr2. The expression cond ? expr1 : expr2 should be read “if cond then expr1 else expr2. If cond evaluates to true then the entire expression evaluates to expr1; otherwise the entire expression evaluates to expr2.

    For example, the expression

    uint balance = address == owner ? ownerBalance()
                                    : userBalance(address);

    will set balance to ownerBalance() if address is owner, and will set it to userBalance(address) otherwise.

    Conditional expressions are short-circuiting: if expr1 or expr2 have side-effects (such as updating a ghost variable), only the side-effects of the expression that is chosen are performed.

  • A universal expression of the form forall t v . expr requires t to be a type (such as uint256 or address) and v to be a variable name; expr should be a boolean expression and may refer to the identifier v. The expression evaluates to true if every possible value of the variable v causes expr to evaluate to true.

    For example, the statement

    require (forall address user . balance(user) <= balance(biggestUser));

    will ensure that every other user has a balance that is less than or equal to the balance of biggestUser.

  • Like a universal expression, an existential expression of the form exists t v . expr requires t to be a type and v to be a variable name; expr should be a boolean expression and may refer to the variable v. The expression evaluates to true if there is any possible value of the variable v that causes expr to evaluate to true.

    For example, the statement

    require (exists uint t . priceAtTime(t) != 0);

    will ensure that there is some time for which the price is nonzero.


The symbols forall and exist are sometimes referred to as quantifiers, and expressions of the form forall type v . e and exist type v . e are referred to as quantified expressions.


forall and exists expressions are powerful and elegant ways to express rules and invariants, but they require the Prover to consider all possible values of a given type. In some cases they can cause significant slowdowns for the Prover.

If you have rules or invariants using exists that are running slowly or timing out, you can remove the exists by manually computing the value that exists. For example, you might replace

require (exists uint t . priceAtTime(t) != 0);


require priceAtTime(startTime) != 0;

Accessing fields and arrays

One can access the special fields of built-in types, fields of user-defined struct types, and members of user-defined enum types using the normal expr.field notation. Note that as described in User-defined types, access to user-defined types must be qualified by a contract name.

Access to arrays also uses the same syntax as Solidity.

Contracts, method signatures and their properties

Writing the ABI signature for a contract method produces a method object, which can be used to access the method fields.

For example,

method m;
require m.selector == balanceOf(address).selector
     || m.selector == transfer(address, uint256).selector;

will constrain m to be either the balanceOf or the transfer method.

One can determine whether a contract has a particular method using the s in c where s is a method selector and c is a contract (either currentContract or a contract introduced with a using statement. For example, the statement

if (burnFrom(address,uint256).selector in currentContract) {

will check that the current contract supports the optional burnFrom method.

Special variables and fields

Several of the CVL types have special fields; see Types (particularly The env type, The method and calldataarg types, and Array access).

There are also several built-in variables:

  • bool lastReverted and bool lastHasThrown are boolean values that indicate whether the most recent contract function reverted or threw an exception.


    The variables lastReverted and lastHasThrown are updated after each contract call, even those called without @withrevert (see Calling contract functions). This is a common source of errors. For example, the following rule is vacuous:

    rule revert_if_paused() {
      assert isPaused() => lastReverted;

    In this rule, the call to isPaused will update lastReverted to true, overwriting the value set by withdraw.

  • lastStorage refers to the most recent state of the EVM storage. See The storage type for more details.

  • Todo

    allContracts and lastMsgSig are currently undocumented.

  • You can use the variable _ as a placeholder for a value you are not interested in.

  • The maximum values for the different integer types are available as the variables max_uint, max_address, max_uint8, max_uint16 etc.

CVL also has three built-in functions for casting mathematical types: to_uint256, to_int256, and to_mathint. See Mathematical Operations for details.

Calling contract functions

There are many kinds of function-like things that can be called from CVL:

There are several additional features that can be used when calling contract functions (including calling them through method variables).

A contract method invocation can optionally be prefixed by invoke or sinvoke, although this syntax is deprecated in favor of the @norevert and @withrevert syntax described below. Verification of a method called with invoke will not report a counterexample if the contract method reverts, while sinvoke will.

The method name can optionally be prefixed by a contract name. If a contract is not explicitly named, the method will be called with currentContract as the receiver.

It is possible for multiple contract methods to match the method call. This can happen in two ways:

  1. The method to be called is a method variable

  2. The method to be called is overloaded in the contract (i.e. there are two methods of the same name), and the method is called with a calldataarg argument.

In either case, the Prover will consider every possible resolution of the method while verifying the rule, and will provide a separate verification report for each checked method. Rules that use this feature are referred to as parametric rules.

After the function name, but before the arguments, you can write an optional method tag, one of @norevert, @withrevert, or @dontsummarize.

  • @norevert indicates that examples where the method revert should not be considered. This is the default behavior if no tag is provided

  • @withrevert indicates that examples that would revert should still be considered. In this case, the method will set the lastReverted and lastHasThrown variables to true in case the called method reverts or throws an exception.

  • Todo

    The @dontsummarize tag is currently undocumented.

After the method tag, the method arguments are provided. Unless the method is declared envfree, the first argument must be an environment value. The remaining arguments must either be a single calldataarg value, or the same types of arguments that would normally be passed to the contract method.

After the method arguments, a method invocation can optionally include at s where s is a storage variable. This indicates that before the method is executed, the EVM state should be restored to the saved state s.


Unresolved method calls