
Ghosts are a way of defining additional variables for use during verification. These variables are often used to communicate information between rules and hooks.


The syntax for ghost declarations is given by the following EBNF grammar:

ghost ::= "ghost" type id                             (";" | "{" axioms "}")
        | "ghost" id "(" cvl_types ")" "returns" type (";" | "{" axioms "}")

type ::= basic_type
       | "mapping" "(" cvl_type "=>" type ")"

axiom ::= [ "init_state" ] "axiom" expression ";"

See Types for the type and cvl_type productions, and Expressions for the expression syntax.

Declaring ghost variables

Ghost variables must be declared at the top level of a specification file. A ghost declaration includes the keyword ghost followed by the type and name of the ghost variable.

The type of a ghost may be either a CVL type or a mapping type. Mapping types are similar to solidity mapping types. They must have CVL types as keys, but may contain either CVL types or mapping types as values.

For example, the following are valid ghost declarations:

ghost uint x;
ghost mapping(address => mathint) balances;
ghost mapping(uint => mapping(uint => mathint)) delegations;

while the following are invalid:

ghost (uint, uint) x;                              // tuples are not CVL types
ghost mapping(mapping(uint => uint) => address) y; // mappings cannot be keys

Using ghost variables

While verifying a rule or invariant, the Prover considers every possible initial value of a ghost variable (subject to its axioms, see below).

Within CVL, you can read or write ghosts using the normal variable syntax. For example:

ghost mapping(address => mathint) balances;

function example(address user) {
    balances[user] = x;

The most common reason to use a ghost is to communicate information from a hook back to the rule that triggered it. For example, the following CVL checks that a call to the contract method do_update(user) changes the contract variable userInfo[user] and does not change userInfo[other] for any other user:

ghost mapping(address => bool) updated;

hook Sstore userInfo[KEY address u] uint i STORAGE {
    updated[u] = true;

rule update_changes_user(address user) {
    updated[user] = false;


    assert updated[user] == true, "do_update(user) should affect user";

rule update_changes_no_other(address user, address other) {
    require user != other;
    require updated[other] == false;


    assert updated[other] == false;

Here the updated ghost is used to communicate information from the userInfo hook back to the updated_changes_user and updated_changes_no_other rules.

Initial state axioms


This documentation is incomplete. See the old documentation for information about initial state axioms.

Ghost functions

CVL also has support for “ghost functions”. These serve a different purpose from ghost variables, although they can be used in similar ways.


This documentation is currently incomplete. See ghosts and ghost functions in the old documentation.