Working with Multiple Contracts

In the previous chapter, we focused on rules describing the behavior of a single contract. In practice, most protocols consist of multiple interacting contracts. In this chapter, we discuss techniques for verifying protocols involving multiple contracts.

We begin by walking through a running example protocol and explaining the Prover’s default behavior when it encounters calls from one contract to another. We then show how to handle a protocol consisting of multiple contracts whose implementation is known. After that, we discuss dispatcher summaries, an important technique for handling contracts whose implementation is not known at verification time. Finally, we give a concrete and reusable setup for a very common case: a contract that can work with many different ERC20 implementations.

The entire running example for this chapter can be found here.

Example protocol

To demonstrate these concepts, we work with a simplified liquidity pool called Pool. The completed specification is in certora/specs/pool.spec (although this chapter only discusses the integrityOfDeposit and flashLoanIncreasesBalance properties) and the final run script is in certora/scripts/

The liquidity pool allows users to deposit and withdraw a single fixed type of ERC20 token (the asset). The liquidity pool itself also acts as an ERC20 token; depositing assets into the pool increases the user’s balance, while withdrawing decreases their balance (full contract).

contract Pool
      is ERC20
    IERC20 public immutable asset;

    /// transfers `amount` of `asset` from `msg.sender` to `this`;
    /// mints `amount` of `this` for `msg.sender`
    function deposit(uint256 amount)  external returns(uint256 shares) { ... }

    /// transfers `sharesToAmount(shares)` of `asset` from `this` to `msg.sender`;
    /// burns `shares` of `this` from `msg.sender`
    function withdraw(uint256 shares) external returns(uint256 amount) { ... }


For demonstration purposes, we have also added function assetBalance, which returns the pool’s balance of the underlying asset (we’ll see later that this is not necessary):

function assetBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
  return asset.balanceOf(this);

Users can also take out flash loans - loans that must be repaid within the same transaction. To do so, the user calls flashLoan, passing in a FlashLoanReceiver contract and the desired number of tokens. The flashLoan method transfers the tokens to the receiver, calls the executeOperation method on the receiver, and finally transfers the tokens (plus a fee) from the receiver back to the pool:

function flashLoan(IFlashLoanReceiver receiver, uint256 amount) external {
    uint fee = ...;

    asset.transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, amount);

    receiver.executeOperation(amount, fee, msg.sender);

    asset.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount + fee);

Our goal is to prove properties about the Pool contract, but we will need to interact with the entire combined protocol consisting of the Pool contract, the Asset contract, and the FlashLoanReceiver contracts. We will begin by explaining the default behavior of the Prover when making external calls to unknown contracts. We will then show how to link the specific Asset contract implementation to the Pool contract. Finally, we will show some techniques for reasoning about the open-ended set of possible FlashLoanReceiver implementations.

Handling unresolved method calls

To start, let’s write a basic property of the pool and run the Prover on the Pool contract to see how it handles calls to unknown code.

Here is a simple property (full spec):

/// `deposit` must increase the pool's underlying asset balance
rule integrityOfDeposit {

    mathint balance_before = assetBalance();

    env e; uint256 amount;
    deposit(e, amount);

    mathint balance_after = assetBalance();

    assert balance_after == balance_before + amount,
        "deposit must increase the underlying balance of the pool";

This rule makes a call to Pool.deposit(...), which in turn makes a call to asset.transferFrom(...); to understand the behavior of deposit the Prover must also reason about the Asset contract. If we verify the rule without giving the Prover access to the Asset code, the call to transferFrom(...) will be unresolved.

By default, the Prover will handle calls to unresolved functions by assuming they can do almost anything — we say that the Prover “havocs” some part of the state. The part of the state that is havoced depends on the type of call: calls to view functions are allowed to return any value but can not affect storage (a NONDET summary), while calls to non-view functions are allowed to change the storage of all contracts in the system besides the calling contract1 (a HAVOC_ECF summary). See AUTO summaries in the reference manual for complete details.

We can see this behavior by verifying the integrityOfDeposit rule against the Pool contract without giving the Prover access to the Asset contract (full script):

$ certoraRun contracts/Pool.sol --verify Pool:certora/specs/pool_havoc.spec ...

In this case, the integrityOfDeposit rule fails. To understand why, we can unfold the call trace for the call to deposit:

Call trace for  with  method unfolded to show DEFAULT HAVOCs for calls to  and

Here we see that the calls to transferFrom and balanceOf are marked with “DEFAULT HAVOC”. This means that the Prover lets the call to transferFrom to change the balances any way it likes. In fact, calls to asset.balanceOf(...) are also unresolved, so the Prover can choose any return value that causes a counterexample. In this case, we can see that the Prover chose 3 for the first return value of balanceOf and 9 for the last return value of balanceOf:

Call trace for  on  showing call to  with internal havoced call to , returning 3 in once place and 9 in another

The “Call Resolution” tab on the report provides more information about all of the unlinked external method calls within the contract and how they are resolved by the Prover2:

Call resolution for  showing havocs of return values for  and all variables of external contracts for

Here we see that the call from Pool.deposit to balanceOf is summarized by havocing only the return value (since balanceOf is a view method), while the call from Pool.deposit to transferFrom havocs all contracts except Pool.

Working with known contracts

In the case of the Pool verification, we don’t want the Prover to choose arbitrary behavior for the Asset, because we have the Asset code. Instead, we would like the Prover to model the asset contract using the Asset code.

To do so, we must first add the Asset contract to the set of contracts that the Prover knows about. This set of contracts is called the scene. You can add a contract to the scene by passing the solidity source as a command line argument to certoraRun. The Prover creates a contract instance (with a corresponding address3) in the scene for each source contract provided on the command line:

$ certoraRun contracts/Pool.sol contracts/Asset.sol --verify Pool:certora/specs/pool_havoc.spec ...

Adding Asset.sol to the scene makes the Prover aware of it, but it does not connect the asset field of the pool to the Asset contract. Although Pool.asset is declared to have type Asset in the solidity source, the solidity compiler erases that information from the bytecode; in the compiled bytecode the field is just treated as an address, and at run time the field could point to any contract.

To connect the Asset code to the Pool.asset field, we can use the --link option (full script):

$ certoraRun contracts/Pool.sol contracts/Asset.sol \
    --verify Pool:certora/specs/pool_havoc.spec \
    --link   Pool:asset=Asset \

The --link Pool:asset=Asset option tells the Prover to assume that the asset field of the Pool contract instance in the scene is a pointer to the Asset contract instance in the scene. With this information, the Prover is able to resolve the calls to the methods on Pool.asset using the code in Asset.sol.

With this option, the Prover is no longer able to construct a counterexample to the integrityOfDeposit rule, so the rule passes. Note that the external calls to the Asset contract no longer appear in the “Call Resolution” tab, because the Prover does not report linked calls here.

Accessing additional contracts from CVL

When a contract instance is added to the scene, it is also possible to call methods on that contract directly from CVL. To do so, you need to introduce a variable name for the contract instance using the using statement. In our running example, we can create a variable underlying to refer to the Asset contract instance4.

using Asset as underlying
using Pool  as pool

We can then call methods on the contract underlying. For example, instead of adding a special method assetBalance to the Pool contract to call asset.balanceOf for us, we can call it directly from the spec:

/// `deposit` must increase the pool's underlying asset balance
rule integrityOfDeposit {

    env e1;
    mathint balance_before = underlying.balanceOf(e1, pool);

    env e; uint256 amount;
    deposit(e, amount);

    env e2;
    mathint balance_after = underlying.balanceOf(e2, pool);

    assert balance_after == balance_before + amount,
        "deposit must increase the underlying balance of the pool";

We can simplify this rule in two ways. First, we can declare the underlying.balanceOf method envfree to avoid explicitly passing in env variables. This works the same way as envfree declarations for the main contract, except that you must indicate that the method is for the underlying contract instance:

methods {

    underlying.balanceOf(address) returns(uint256) envfree

The second simplification is that we can use the special variable currentContract to refer to the main contract being verified (the one passed to --verify), so we don’t need to add the using statement for Pool. With these changes, the rule looks as follows (spec file, run script):

/// `deposit` must increase the pool's underlying asset balance
rule integrityOfDeposit {

    mathint balance_before = underlying.balanceOf(currentContract);

    env e; uint256 amount;
    deposit(e, amount);

    mathint balance_after = underlying.balanceOf(currentContract);

    assert balance_after == balance_before + amount,
        "deposit must increase the underlying balance of the pool";

Working with unknown contracts

Linking is appropriate for situations when we know the specific contracts that a field points to. In many cases, however, we don’t know what contract an address refers to. For example:

  • A contract may call a method on a contract address passed in by the user. In our running example, the user may provide any FlashLoanReceiver implementation they want to.

  • A contract may be designed to work with many instances of the same interface. For example, a pool might be designed to work with arbitrary ERC20 implementations.

In this case, the only option is to summarize the unknown code for the Prover. Although there are many available types of summaries, the ones most commonly used for unknown code are DISPATCHER summaries.

The DISPATCHER summary resolves calls by assuming that the receiver address is one of the contracts in the scene that implements the called method. It will try every option, and if any of them can cause a violation, it will report a counterexample.


The DISPATCHER summary is unsound, meaning that using it can cause you to hide bugs in your contracts. Therefore, you should make sure you understand the risks before using them. See The dangers of DISPATCHER below.

To demonstrate the DISPATCHER summary, let us prove a basic property about flash loans. For example, we might like to show that flash loans can only increase the underlying balance of the pool. We can write the property as follows:

rule flashLoanIncreasesBalance {
    address receiver; uint256 amount; env e;

    require e.msg.sender != currentContract;

    mathint balance_before = underlying.balanceOf(currentContract);

    flashLoan(e, receiver, amount);

    mathint balance_after = underlying.balanceOf(currentContract);

    assert balance_after >= balance_before,
        "flash loans must not decrease the contract's underlying balance";

Verifying this rule without any summarization will fail, for the same reasons that the first run of integrityOfDeposit above failed: the flashLoan method calls executeOperation on an unknown contract, and the Prover constructs a counterexample where executeOperation changes the underlying balance. This is possible because the default HAVOC_ECF summary allows executeOperation to do anything to the underlying contract.

To use a DISPATCHER summary for the executeOperation method, we add it to the methods block5:

methods {
    executeOperation(uint256,uint256,address) returns (bool) => DISPATCHER(true)

This summary means that when the Prover encounters an external call to receiver.executeOperation(...), it will try to construct counterexamples where the receiver contract is any of the contracts in the scene that implement the executeOperation method.

So far, there are no contracts in the scene that implement the executeOperation method, so the Prover will conservatively use a havoc summary for the call, and the rule will still fail. To make use of the dispatcher summary, we need to add a contract to the scene that implements the method.

Let’s start by adding a trivial receiver (in certora/harness/TrivialReceiver.sol) that implements executeOperation but does nothing:

contract TrivialReceiver is IFlashLoanReceiver {
    function executeOperation(...) ... {
        // do nothing
        return true;

Adding TrivialReceiver.sol to the scene allows the Prover to dispatch to it (spec file, full script):

$ certoraRun contracts/Pool.sol certora/harness/TrivialReceiver.sol ...

With this dispatcher in place, the rule passes. Examining the call resolution tab shows that the Prover used the dispatcher summary for executeOperation and considered only TrivialReceiver.executeOperation as a possible implementation:

Call resolution tab showing  summarized with a Dispatcher.  The "alternatives" list contains

Although the rule passes, it is important to pause and think about what we have proved; the next section shows that we shouldn’t rest easy yet.

The dangers of DISPATCHER

What we have proved so far is that if the only possible FlashLoanReceiver is TrivialReceiver, then the pool’s underlying balance doesn’t decrease. However, we have not proved that the underlying balance never decreases after a flash loan.

Since the DISPATCHER summary only considers the contracts you provide as possible implementations, it forces you to think about a threat model: the set of behaviors that you want to protect against. If there is a clever way to construct a receiver contract that violates the rule, but you don’t think of it, the Prover won’t be able to find it. So far, we were able to prove the rule, but only with a very weak threat model: we assume that the flash loan receiver does nothing.

In fact, we can easily construct a flash loan receiver that decreases the pool’s underlying balance. For example, if the receiver somehow got an approval to transfer underlying tokens away from the pool, it could just transfer them, thereby decreasing the underlying balance of the pool. We can write such a receiver:

contract TransferReceiver is IFlashLoanReceiver {
    address underlying;
    uint    transfer_amount;
    address pool;

    function executeOperation(...) ... {
        underlying.transferFrom(pool, address(this), transfer_amount);
        return true;

Note that this isn’t a complete working example; we haven’t provided a constructor, or linked the pool address to the actual pool, or any way to ensure that the pool has given the receiver an allowance. Nevertheless, if we add it to the scene, the Prover is able to use it to construct a counterexample. Since the Prover explores every possible value of the pool variable, and every possible value for the underlying’s allowances, it is able to set up the details of the counterexample automatically.

We do need to do one more piece of setup to get this receiver to work the way we’d like. If we just add TransferReceiver to the scene, the Prover will not be able to resolve its call to transferFrom. This will cause the same kind of havoc we saw above. We could remedy this using a DISPATCHER summary for transferFrom (see Using DISPATCHER for ERC20 contracts), but for now, we’ll simply link the underlying variable to the Asset contract instance (full script):

certoraRun contracts/Pool.sol \
           certora/harness/TrivialReceiver.sol \
           certora/harness/TransferReceiver.sol \
           --link TransferReceiver:underlying=Asset \

With the additional receiver implementation on the scene, we see that the Prover considers both alternatives for the executeOperation call:

Call resolution tab showing unresolved call from  to, with the "alternatives" set containing both and

And we also see that it was able to use the TransferReceiver to construct a counterexample:

Partial call trace showing  dispatched to, which calls

As we expected, the dispatcher for executeOperation chooses TransferReceiver.executeOperation as the receiver, which in turn calls underlying.transferFrom(Pool, ..., 2). If we expand the call trace further, we see that the Prover chose the pool’s allowance for the recipient to be MAX_UINT256:

Call trace entry showing a load from  returning

It turns out that this particular violation can’t actually happen, because the pool contract never approves any other contract to transfer its funds. We could prove an invariant to this effect and add it to our rule using requireInvariant statements. We won’t describe this here, but it is implemented in the final spec for this example.


Once there is a user guide page on requireInvariant, link to it.

Nevertheless, this example shows that having too few dispatchees can cause a rule to pass, even though the property it describes is not necessarily true in all situations.

Designing flexible dispatchees

The TransferReceiver described in the previous section is fairly targeted: we thought of a way to violate the rule, and then designed a receiver contract to cause the violation. However, one of the main benefits of the Prover is that you don’t have to know in advance the attacks you’re trying to prevent, and this approach to creating dispatchees loses that benefit.

There is a clever trick you can use to write flexible dispatchees that can cover a broad range of potential attacks. The trick relies on the fact that the Prover will consider all possible values for contract fields when trying to produce a counterexample.

Suppose we wanted to reason about the possibility that a flash loan receiver could make non-view calls back to the pool from executeOperation. We could write a separate receiver contract for each method which just calls that method, and add them all to the scene as potential dispatchees. However, this can become cumbersome, especially if there are multiple methods that need to be implemented.

Instead, we can write a single receiver that simulates all of these potential method calls. Let’s start by getting a list of the external methods of the contract. The Prover helpfully provides such a list whenever we verify a rule6:

"Contract list" tab (next to the "Results" tab) showing the  contractand all of its methods

Now, we can write an executeOperation method that could call any of the non-view functions. We can do this with a big if-then-else statement (full contract)7:

contract FlexibleReceiver is IFlashLoanReceiver {
    IPool token;

    function executeOperation(...) ... {
        uint  callbackChoice = ...;

        if (callbackChoice == 0)
        else if (callbackChoice == 1)
        else if (callbackChoice == 2)
            assert(false, "invalid callbackChoice value");

        return ...;

The value of the callbackChoice variable determines which Pool method executeOperation will call. We would like the Prover to consider every possible value of the callbackChoice field, so that it can choose to call any of the pool’s methods. We would also like the Prover to consider every choice of arguments to these method calls.

For this to be valid solidity code, we need to actually give values to the callbackChoice and the arguments to the called methods. To do this, we use a clever trick. Since the Prover considers every possible value for storage variables, we can simply use a storage variable for callbackChoice and for the arguments. For example, we could write

contract FlexibleReceiver is IFlashLoanReceiver {

    uint arbitraryCallback;
    function executeOperation(...) ... {
        uint  callbackChoice = arbitraryCallback;


The Prover will consider cases where arbitraryCallback can have any possible value at the beginning of the rule, and we can use this arbitrary value to fill in callbackChoice8.

One potential drawback of this choice is that the receiver contract will make the same callback every time executeOperation is called within a rule. We can relax this restriction by using a mapping of arbitrary values instead of a single callback:

contract FlexibleReceiver is IFlashLoanReceiver {

    uint counter;
    mapping(uint => uint) arbitraryCallbacks;

    function executeOperation(...) ... {
        uint  callbackChoice = arbitraryCallbacks[counter++];


With this version, the Prover is able to choose a new value of arbitraryCallbacks[i] for each i; since the counter variable is updated on each call, this means that it can choose a different value of callbackChoice for each call.

The abstract contract ArbitraryValues (source) makes this simple. For each value type, it provides an arbitraryType() method that returns an undefined value that the Prover can fill in arbitrarily as it is constructing counterexamples. For example, the arbitraryInt192() method returns a newly selected int192 each time it called. In this case, we can use the arbitraryUint and arbitraryAddress methods to choose the callback and the arguments (full source, run script):

contract FlexibleReceiver is IFlashLoanReceiver, ArbitraryValues {

    function executeOperation(...) ... {
        uint callbackChoice = arbitraryUint();

        if (callbackChoice == 0)
        else if (callbackChoice == 1)
            token.transferFrom(arbitraryAddress(), arbitraryAddress(), arbitraryUint());
        else if (callbackChoice == 2)
            assert(false, "invalid callbackChoice value");

        return arbitraryBool();

With this implementation, the Prover will consider every possible value for callbackChoice as well as for the arguments to the methods, which has the effect of calling an arbitrary non-view method on pool with arbitrary arguments.

This approach still doesn’t give perfect coverage. If the token field is linked to the pool, it will only call methods on the pool. In fact, this receiver will miss the violation that the TransferReceiver uncovered, because that requires calling transferFrom on the Asset rather than the Pool (full script), although this particular shortcoming can be addressed by using a dispatcher for the ERC20 methods instead of linking to the pool.

Another important caveat is that this technique does not work for initial state checks for invariants. In this case, the Prover does not choose arbitrary values for storage variables, since it knows that storage variables are all initialized to 0 before the constructor call. Therefore, the arbitraryType() methods will always return 0.

A third shortcoming with this implementation is that it only makes one reentrant call to the token contract. Vulnerabilities that require two or more callbacks from the FlashLoanReceiver to exploit will not be detected.

Nevertheless, this technique is a useful way to build dispatchers that get pretty good coverage without requiring too much prediction of the bugs they will find. The ArbitraryValues helper contract makes this pattern easy to implement.

Using DISPATCHER for ERC20 contracts

One very common use case for the material discussed in this chapter is when a contract is designed to work with arbitrary ERC20 tokens. In this case, it is common to summarize all of the ERC20 methods using DISPATCHER summaries, and to provide several ERC20 implementations to the Prover.

To facilitate this, the helpers directory of the example code contains a spec file called erc20.spec as well as a variety of ERC20 token implementations (inside tokens/). The erc20.spec file simply contains a methods block that summarizes all of the ERC20 methods as DISPATCHER. You can use an import statement to include this in your spec (full spec):

import "../helpers/erc20.spec"

This gives a concise way to handle this situation. Be sure to include the tokens in the scene (full script)!

certoraRun certora/helpers/tokens/* ...


In this chapter, we’ve seen several techniques for handling inter-contract calls. Linking allows us to give the source code for a contract referenced by a particular field. DISPATCHER summaries instruct the Prover to consider several possible implementations of a contract, and can be used when we don’t know exactly which contract an address will refer to.

We’ve seen that DISPATCHER summaries are not completely safe — they constrain the possible implementations of external contracts, so they may miss bugs that those implementations don’t trigger. However, we have seen a useful technique that can explore a wide range of behaviors with little effort.


The Prover assumes that the external calls do not modify the storage of the calling contract. This assumption comes from an assumption that the called code is non-reentrant. If you are concerned about violations caused by reentrancy, you can override this assumption using a HAVOC_ALL summary; see Havoc summaries: HAVOC_ALL and HAVOC_ECF for details.


Unresolved calls that are not explicitly handled are considered warnings; in this case there are three unresolved calls, which is why there is a red 3 on the call resolution tab. In general, it is good practice to explicitly resolve all calls.


You can control the address chosen for the contract instance using the --address option.


using statements must appear after the import statements (if any) and before the methods block (if any).


The true in DISPATCHER(true) tells the Prover to use “optimistic dispatch mode”. Optimistic mode is almost always the right choice; see DISPATCHER summaries in the reference manual for full details.


The Prover doesn’t identify the view functions, so we have to look at the source code to determine which ones are non-view functions.


We don’t include a call to token.flashLoan since this will cause potentially infinite recursion, which will cause the Prover to fail.


This trick doesn’t work during the initial state checks for invariants, since storage is always initialized to zero at the start of a constructor.