Tutorial and Workshops


The Certora Tutorial is a series of guided lessons that covers installation and basic usage of the Certora Prover.

It is available on github.

The Tutorial is organized as a series of lessons and exercises. You are encouraged to clone the git repository and work through the exercises yourself. Each directory has a README file that explains the lesson.

Stanford DeFi Security Summit

The Stanford DeFi Security Summit, August 2022 is a recorded 2-day workshop that covers basic Prover usage with several hands-on examples. It covers the following topics:




Installation and setup


Writing basic rules


Writing parametric rules




Ghosts and hooks (part 1, part 2)




Designing specifications


The Certora Prover pipeline


SMT solvers


The covered examples are available on github.

EthCC Paris

EthCC Paris, July 2022 is an earlier 3-day workshop in a similar style that covers the same material and a few additional topics:




Installation and setup

Writing basic rules

Writing parametric rules


Multicontract verification

Not covered in Stanford workshop

The Certora Prover pipeline

Designing specifications

Liquidity pool example

Not covered in Stanford workshop

Checking the spec

Not covered in Stanford workshop

Ghosts and hooks

The last day of the workshop was devoted to an extended exercise verifying the version 3 of the Aave Token:


Aave token overview

Aave token properties

Aave token setup

Aave token exercise

Aave Community Day

Aave Community Day, April 2022 is a condensed 3-hour workshop with fewer exercises.