Partially Parametric Rules

The provided code snippet illustrates a partially parametric rule in CVL that defines specific behavior based on the method invoked (f) and its arguments (calldataarg). Let’s break down the example for better understanding:

rule partially_parametric_rule(env e, method f, calldataarg args)
    if (f.selector == sig:withdraw(uint256, address).selector) {
        uint256 shares;
        address to;
		require e.msg.sender != currentContract;
		require shares == totalSupply();
		withdraw(e, shares, to);
		assert balanceOf(to) >= balanceOf(currentContract); 
	else if (f.selector == sig:deposit(uint256, address).selector) {
        uint256 depositedAmount = balanceOf(e.msg.sender);
        address to;
		require e.msg.sender != currentContract;
		deposit(e, depositedAmount, to);
        assert balanceOf(to) >= balanceOf(e.msg.sender);
	else {
        uint256 currentContract_balance_before = balanceOf(currentContract);
		f(e, args);
        assert balanceOf(currentContract) == currentContract_balance_before;
  1. Withdrawal Case:

    • If the invoked method (f) corresponds to the withdraw function with arguments of type uint256 and address, the rule checks certain conditions:

      • Ensures that the sender is not the current contract (currentContract).

      • Requires that the variable shares is equal to the total supply.

      • Invokes the withdraw function with specified parameters (e, shares, to).

      • Asserts that the balance of the recipient (to) is greater than or equal to the balance of the current contract.

  2. Deposit Case:

    • If the invoked method (f) corresponds to the deposit function with arguments of type uint256 and address, the rule checks similar conditions:

      • Ensures that the sender is not the current contract (currentContract).

      • Computes the depositedAmount as the balance of the sender (e.msg.sender).

      • Invokes the deposit function with specified parameters (e, depositedAmount, to).

      • Asserts that the balance of the recipient (to) is greater than or equal to the balance of the sender.

  3. Default Case:

    • For any other method, the rule captures the state of the current contract’s balance before the method (f) execution in the variable currentContract_balance_before.

    • Invokes the method (f) with its corresponding arguments (args).

    • Asserts that the balance of the current contract after the method execution is equal to the recorded currentContract_balance_before.

This partially parametric rule demonstrates conditional logic based on the type of method invoked, allowing for specific actions and assertions tailored to different scenarios within the smart contract.